Does a degree need accreditation to be legal?
Can the degrees be supported by a Hague Convention Apostille?
How can this program result in graduation at such low cost?
Is the use of Prior Learning and Experience as Credit towards graduation a legitimate concept?
Is instantdegrees.com really the best?
Is it true you charge no fees?
How long does it actually take for me to receive my instant degree?
Payment Options
Can fees be paid other than by Credit Card or Debit Card, Paypal or Payoneer?
Can a purchase be paid for with the Credit Card or Debit Card of another person?
How secure is my payment by Credit Card or Debit Card?
Can anybody get an Instant Degree?
Why should I need an Instant Degree?
Institutions Covered
Can I choose which University or College the degree is awarded by?
Can I specify the country, region or zone of the University or College that I graduate from?
Will the college or university run it's own campus?
Sample Degrees
Can I see a sample degree certificate?
Critics and why you should ignore them
Client Security
I notice you also use a Hotmail account. Why is that?
Client Services
Can you arrange Transcripts or Student Records?
I am not certain about which Discipline is relevant to my chosen subject.
Can I request a specific date of graduation for my degree?
What if I can't find the specific subject I want?
Will the institution have a website?
How can this program result in graduation at such low cost?
Simple. All if the institutions we represent are legally formed and operating private universities and colleges. They can set their own standards and set their own policies concerning Credits granted for Prior Learning and Experience. None of them cap or limit the use of Credits obtained beforehand. This is in sharp contrast to the cartel that is conventional tertiary education where they have a vested interest in adopting policies that limit and in some cases exclude perfectly legitimate college level Credits from being used to shorten the attendance time needed to graduate, thereby maximizing their revenue. As a result the cost of completing a Bachelor degree is now $300 USD.
Here is a link explaining the situation: https://www.thecollegefix.com/colleges-limit-ap-credits-to-maximize-tuition-revenue-study/
Is the use of Prior Learning and Experience as Credit towards graduation a legitimate concept?
Yes. Not only is it a legitimate concept, but it has a legal definition "Portfolio Assessment" and it is enshrined in legislation in multiple jurisdictions such as the VAE system in France https://vae.gouv.fr/.
All the institutions we represent follow the model established in the United States known as the "3 in 1 Rule" used by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and codified at 8 C.F.R. §214.2 (h)(4)(iii)(D)(5). This formally establishes that 3 years of specialised training or work experience is the equivalent of one year of college level education. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-8/chapter-I/subchapter-B/part-214#214.2
Does a degree need accreditation to be legal?
NO! Don't be one of the fools who get confused between Accreditation and Legality. This is explained in greater detail in Limitations.
Is InstantDegrees.com really the best?
Yes we are.
We've been running this confidential service since 2001. We are proud to have been reliably shipping high quality, 100% legal and verifiable degrees and transcripts to satisfied clients for over 2 decades.
Can the degrees be supported by a Hague Convention Apostille?
The Hague Convention Apostille is a form of Government issued ‘legalization’ that is guaranteed to be accepted as legal in any participating country. It is a VERY powerful legal tool.
The Graduation Package comes with a detailed explanation of the Apostille, the advantages of supporting your degree with one and instructions on how to apply for one under privileged and discounted terms and conditions.
Is it true you charge no fees?
This is a completely free service. The only requirement is that you make a purchase from one of our sponsors. Our sponsors products range from $200 USD to $300 USD. It does not matter which product you choose but if you to not make a purchase from one of our sponsors then we cannot complete your graduation process for free.
This is a ONE TIME purchase. You would only be expected to make another purchase if you wanted another process such as another degree or activation of Transcripts.
How long does it actually take to receive my Instant Degree?
You will be added to the institution's graduate database within 24hrs.
The arrival of the PHYSICAL presentation diploma can vary greatly depending on your location and the location of the institution.
Because of the effect of different time-zones, your application may be approved the same day or the next working day. For the same reason, we may receive your Graduation package for forwarding the next working day or the day after. To take account of these variations, we like to allow 5 working days from the time you make your purchase online to us receiving your Graduation package for forwarding.
NO OTHER provider, no matter what they promise, ships orders as fast as we do.
We are required by our contracts to ship orders by Registered Mail, which gives legal proof of shipping and delivery. It is important that you understand that once the Graduation Package has been entrusted to the care of Registered Mail, we have no direct control over it.
We pay for every Graduation Package to be shipped by Global Priority Airmail. The envelopes are actually printed stating that delivery should take place worldwide in “up to 5 working days” and over 90% of our packages are delivered within that timeframe.
However, since 9/11 we have been advising that customers should allow 10 working days for delivery before opening an inquiry to allow for delays that can be caused by extra postal security put in place since then. This is a reality that we have to live with.
Regardless of where you live, delivery will always be made by the National Postal Service that serves your country. It is your responsibility to ensure that your address is complete and valid for the delivery of Registered Mail by your county’s national Postal Service. If you have any doubts about what we mean by that, then you can refer to this list of national Postal Services at the website of the Universal Postal Union. www.upu.int
Simply look up your country in ‘Postal Administrations’ listed in the ‘Contacts and Links’ to see the entity responsible for delivery of your Graduation Package. This is the most up to date list we can get and it shows websites where available.
Registered Mail is a very secure form of mail that encounters few problems and which must be signed for. If you are not physically present when delivery is attempted, then the Postal Service will leave an ‘attempted delivery’ card and your package will be held at your local Post Office for collection. It is your responsibility to check your mailbox for this card. 10 working days is important because this is the period in which the Registered Mail ticket is ‘live’ and delivery is still actively being attempted but it is before an item would be returned to sender as undelivered or unclaimed.
How are fees paid?
Our trusted Sponsors accept these forms of payment.
Credit or Debit Card
Cryptocurrency (There is a discount for this method)
It is fundamental to our security that our sponsors ONLY accept purchases via Credit or Debit Card thru a SECURE THIRD PARTY in which the customer is the cardholder named on the card and the delivery address matches the billing address of the Credit or Debit card.
No other payment means is acceptable. This protects you as much as it does us.
Can anybody get an Instant Degree?
Yes! Providing you are over the age of 21, you can use this LEGAL loophole to get an Instant Degree.
We recommend the following:
At 21 years old, you should only consider an Associate or Bachelor Degree.
A Master's Degree at 23 years old or more.
Doctorates Professorships and Fellowships should only be considered at 25 years old or more.
Why should I need an Instant Degree?
An Instant Degree allows the holder the legal use of Titles (such as Dr or Professor) or post nominal letters (such as MBA or Ph.D) An example of this includes putting a Title on your passport, driving license, letterheads and Credit or Debit Cards, Business Cards etc.
The immediate advantage to the holder is the natural tendency in society to defer to people with degrees of this nature. This is particularly true in older countries such as those in Europe.
The deference shown to holders of Doctoral Titles in Germanic and Latin Countries is legendary. Fully booked restaurants suddenly find vacancies, hotels miraculously discover the availability of "more pleasant" rooms, airport checking counters open inexplicably to offer special service while others wait in line and holders have found themselves being upgraded to First Class tickets at no extra cost.
Do I have any obligations?
Yes! By proceeding you are making a declaration that you have read and agree to be bound by the TOS and that that the person named on the diploma has sufficient Life/Work Experience or Prior Study to justify the award. We then make an application to the College or University on your behalf in a way we know will be accepted.
We do not require a CV or any documentary evidence to back up your declaration. You also agree to the legally binding Confidentiality Contract which prevents your or anybody else from directly or indirectly disclosing the link between the awarding institution and instantdegrees.com This is designed to protect the interests of both our clients and the institutions we represent.
(see Terms of Service for further details).
It must be understood however that it is impossible for any institution to guarantee a lack of negativity.
What we do promise is legality.
Can you tell me the Names and Addresses of the Colleges and Universities that grant the degrees before I graduate?
No! (see below)
Why can't you tell me the Names and Addresses of the Colleges and Universities that grant the degrees before I graduate?
Only those who graduate should learn the name of the Institution they graduate from, this is to reduce the likelihood negative publicity being directed towards the Institution or the graduates.
Can I choose which University or College the degree is awarded by?
No! The choice of Institution is made by our experts, based on your choice of DEGREE and SUBJECT.
Can I specify the country, region or zone of the University or College that I graduate from?
No! Many loophole institutions operate legally by the clever use of jurisdictions (this is done for your benefit). We offer our services to an international client base without preference to any particular country.
We 100% guarantee that all the institutions we represent are legally formed and operating private tertiary level institutions that are internationally administered in ENGLISH SPEAKING jurisdictions that have English as the institutional language of operation. All operate distance programs in ENGLISH.
By definition, private institutions that are internationally administered are not beholden to any single jurisdiction in their operating models and so it is probable (although not guaranteed) that your degree will have no direct connection with your country of your residence. If you feel that the degree you seek must come from a location near you or that you cannot explain your degree thru distance programs (which by definition mean that physical attendance at the institution is not required) then you should not apply.
Will the college or university run its own campus?
Not necessarily. All of the institutions we represent are legally formed and operating private academic, rather than mainstream public, institutions. They provide non-traditional, distance programs and correspondence degree courses, using outsourced campus facilities when required, for instance, Summer Schools and Short Residential Courses. Distance Programs by definition mean that physical attendance at the institution is not required.
All the institutions we represent, that have not yet automated their graduate services online, have their own Administration Centers for administering the degree courses and post graduate services such as the FREE Verification Service.
None of the institutions we represent advertise directly to the public nor is their association with instantdegrees.com.
Are there any limitations?
You must not forget that your degree is obtained by exploiting legal loopholes.
We are often asked what this means and the best definition, that neatly encapsulates the concept, is that an institution is legally formed and operating in such a way that it makes the granting of a degree legal, whereas this would otherwise be illegal.
In about 97% of degree usage scenarios, there are NO limitations.
The only real limitation is the exact same limitation that can affect ANY degree no matter where it is granted or how it is earned;
Accreditation is not legally required and is often poorly understood.
This limitation affects conventional, traditional degrees as well.
There is no such thing as universal, global, guaranteed, recognition or accreditation.
Any school that claims otherwise is simply lying. Here are some examples:
Try using a nationally accredited Israeli degree in an Arab country.
Try using a nationally accredited Cuban degree in the United States.
Try using a nationally accredited North Korean degree in South Korea, or vice-versa.
Try using a nationally accredited degree from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in Greece.
Try using a nationally accredited degree from Northern Cyprus in Greece.
Try using a nationally accredited degree from Southern Cyprus in Turkey.
Try using a nationally accredited degree from Taiwan in China.
The closest thing to global recognition is supporting the degree with a Hague Convention Apostille. The legality of the Apostille legalization MUST be recognized in any country that adheres to the Apostille Convention.
For Credit transfer purposes, Institutions will normally only recognize degrees from other institutions registered with the same accreditation agency. As there are literally thousands of accreditation agencies it would be impossible to join them all.
Therefore you must assume that your Instant Degree, although legal, registered and verifiable will not be useful for Credit transfer purposes, this includes using the degree as a "stepping stone" to a higher degree or other post graduate programs. It is often misunderstood that this is a problem often encountered by holders of conventional degrees as well.
In about 97% of cases accreditation is NOT an issue but in 100% of cases LEGALITY IS ALWAYS AN ISSUE
Degrees available thru us are 100% LEGAL.
All degrees available thru us are 100% legally granted, private, non-nationally accredited and fulfil the legal definition of a degree. However, if you feel that you require a degree with specific accreditation, then you should NOT apply.
Accreditation is voluntary but there will always be those whose understandings of the law are imperfect and will see a lack of a certain kind of accreditation as grounds to opine negatively about an institution or degree, no matter how legal the degree or its accreditation is. Neither we nor the institutions can prevent this kind of ill informed prejudice. However, the law is on the side of the legally granted degree, regardless of its accreditation.
As 99% of our clients use our service because they have neither the time nor the inclination to attend a traditional university, the question of Credit Transfer is irrelevant anyway. Similarly, certain professions require degrees to have a specific accreditation i.e. Architecture, Medicine, Nursing, Teaching and Education, Psychology, Psychiatry, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Social Work and certain government jobs. This is a very small percentage of the potential uses to which a degree can be put. If a subject is not listed in our drop-down menus, it is because it cannot be approved under the process.
Although the Institutions themselves operate completely legally, it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the possession and use of a non-nationally accredited degree is commensurate with local legislation before ordering.
We are the ONLY service to explain this HONESTLY to people UP FRONT!
Critics. Why you should ignore them
You must not forget that your degree is obtained by exploiting legal loopholes.
Critics have NO LEGAL argument. Our security protocols reduce the probability and impact of negative publicity, but we cannot remove the threat altogether. In the event that the institution you have graduated from is the target of such comments you should frankly, ignore it.
Opinions of this nature (usually made anonymously or by people with very questionable histories involved in non-traditional degree granting institutions) carry NO legal weight whatsoever.
In the final analysis, what REALLY counts is the LEGALITY of the degree and NOTHING ELSE. So long as you have not misused or misrepresented your degree in violation of this FAQ and our Terms of Service, then you have NOTHING to fear.
The very reason that you are here is because you want to avail yourself of the positive social engineering possibilities of a legally granted degree. In that action you have proved yourself smarter than BOTH the average citizen with no degree AND smarter than the so-called academics.
These are people who have frittered away years in classrooms absorbing blindly and thoughtlessly second hand information in a theoretical environment completely removed from real life, and for what? In order to acquire the right to use the same Title or post-nominal letters that you can legally acquire in a matter of days for the price a meal in a decent restaurant.
Who is really smarter?
You are the one called to the front of the queue in airports; you are the one getting the free upgrade to first class; you are the one sitting at the good table not too near the band overlooking the river; you are the one dazzling your future employers with your skills and abilities at an interview rather than having your Résumé ditched by a computer programmed to scan all applications and send rejection slips to perfectly capable applicants who happen not to have a degree; The benefits are endless.
The degrees available thru us are obtained thru the exploitation of legal loopholes, but legally that does not make them of any less worth of a "worked for" degree.
In the final analysis, the LEGALITY of a degree is ALL that LEGALLY matters.
What about confidentiality?
Although it can't be guaranteed. Confidentiality is re-enforced in three ways:
The Institutions are contractually bound not to advertise these "quick degree programs" anywhere in anyway, this includes, Printed Media, Radio, Television and Internet. The contract clearly stipulates that they must never reveal their association with Instantdegrees.com or subsidiary services.
Instantdegrees.com and its subsidiaries are contractually bound never to reveal the identity of any Institution it represents.
By proceeding, you, (the graduate), agree to the undertaking that you will never reveal the link between Instantdegrees.com and the name of the Institution from which you graduate. This is a binding legal contract on your part and on any third parties responsible for the dissemination of this information contrary to the terms of the Confidentiality Contract
See: Critics and why you should ignore them
I notice sometimes Instantdegrees.com uses a Hotmail account. Why is that?
Two reasons.
Firstly, we used server based email until 2003 when a DNS update went horribly wrong and we lost connectivity to our website and the emails we needed to correct the situation. Since then, we have always used non-server dependent emails to ensure communications independent of our server.
Secondly, because of our website name 'instantdegrees', our emails would be more prone to be directed to 'junk' as suspected spam.
Are the awards verifiable?
We only deal with legally operating Colleges and Universities that provide a FREE Online 24/7 Verification Service for all awards that meets the general verification and data protection guidelines. This means that a THIRD PARTY i.e. another person or organization can verify your degree in REAL TIME if you give them your Unique Diploma Code.
Can I also get Transcripts?
Transcripts (also known as Student Records, Record Cards, Grade Cards, Mark Cards, Marks, Cards etc.) can be acquired or activated by supporting one of our sponsors costing about $250 USD available to purchase via the Returning Clients Section.
The Transcript process is separate because not everybody requires Transcripts. The combined investment for a Degree and Transcript through this service is the most competitively priced available.
NOTE: You must have a VALID degree verification code via our service before you can apply for a Transcript. We can only arrange transcripts for degrees obtained via our service.
Each degree level has its own stand alone Transcript scaled as follows:
Associate 60+ Credits.
Bachelor 120+ Credits.
Master 30+ Credits.
Doctorate, Professorship and Fellowship 30+ Credits.
Each level assumes the prior completion of lower levels. e.g. Graduation at Doctorate level is 180 Credits which would be made up of a Bachelor of 120 Credits, a Master of 30 Credits and a Doctorate of 30 Credits = 180 Total. The Doctorate Transcript would only show 30 Doctoral Credits.
This is all calculated automatically when you apply for Transcripts.
I am not certain about which Discipline is relevant to my chosen subject.
Don't worry, no matter what Discipline you choose, we will always ensure that your degree Subject is processed in a correct Discipline. We reserve the right to amend applications for this purpose.
You will always receive the Level and Subject that you request in the Order Form. For Instance, if you applied for a Bachelor of Science in History , this would be amended to the correct form, which is: Bachelor of ARTS in History.
The level and discipline determine the post-nominal form of the degree:
Associate (level) of Commerce (discipline) = John Doe A.Com.
Bachelor (level) of Arts (discipline) = John Doe B.A.
Bachelor (level) of Science (discipline) = John Doe B.Sc.
Master (level) of Business Administration (discipline) = John Doe M.B.A.
Doctor (level) of Science (discipline) = John Doe D.Sc.
Doctor (level) of Philosophy (discipline) = John Doe Ph.D.
Any Doctorate can be referred to either by the pre-nominal form or the post-nominal form, but never the 2 forms together:
Dr. John Doe
John Doe Ph.D.
Dr. John Doe Ph.D.
Professorships and Fellowships are special awards that are treated differently by different institutions. Some institutions consider Professorships and Fellowships to be degrees and record them as such. Some institutions do not consider them degrees but as a class of awards separate from degrees. Both systems are valid. In both cases Professorships and Fellowships are considered Appointments to Faculty that carry great prestige.
Professorships are ALWAYS indicated in the pre-nominal form.
Professor John Doe
Prof. John Doe
Fellowships are ALWAYS referred to in the unabbreviated post-nominal form and indicating the Type and Discipline of the Fellowship.
John Doe, Fellow of Arts
John Doe, Research Fellow of Sciences
John Doe, Postgraduate Fellow of Business Administration
John Doe, Postdoctoral Fellow of Philosophy
Can I request a specific date of graduation for my degree?
Yes! However, there are certain limitations.
This process is called "Retro-Active Graduation", this form of back-dating is difficult to arrange, but not impossible. It is perfectly legal providing the person named on the degree was aged 18 or more on the date requested. Under Retro-Active Graduation a degree can be dated any month between January of 1995 and the present day. This limit is because of the implementation date of standard guidelines that we insist all the institutions that we represent abide by.
If you require Retro-Active Graduation you simply select the month and year required from the drop down menus when you are contacted after making your Application.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can a degree diploma be dated in the future. This is illegal.
What if I can't find the specific degree Subject I want?
If a subject is not listed in the drop down menus then it means that it cannot be approved under this program. Please see all the approved Degree Subjects and Disciplines.
Will the institution have a website?
Yes of course
Website (on an education based domain. NOT a dotcom)
Alumni Store
24/7 Degree Verification
All the schools we represent have an online presence which can range from a simple Alumni Association website to an Online Study Portal, depending on the degree of importance the individual institution places upon a web presence to deliver its Distance Program content.
Distance Programs are not restricted to a web presence as a delivery means and utilize a range of media which includes correspondence by regular mail, email, text, phone, FAX, DVD, video conferencing and Portfolio Assessment.
Can I see a sample certificate?
We represent a number of legally operating colleges and universities with the very best quality documentation.
Professionally printed, embossed titles, elaborate embossed Gold Foil and Holographic Seals.
NOT cheap "stick on" seals like our competitors.
We have strict guidelines on Degree certificate quality and we only deal with Institutions that conform to common design standards. A general guideline to the type of degree certificate that conforms to academic norms and common standards is usually:

Official logo of the institution EMBOSSED through the document. NOT a cheap "off-the shelf" generic seal, but top a top quality actual embossing of the logo of the institution.
Most importantly, the official embossed seal of the institution is ornate and gold-foil (not cheap stick on like you will find elsewhere).

24/7 Instant Verification of your degree
Any third party wishing to verify your Graduate Profile can visit the University website and confirm your profile INSTANTLY, including unlimited downloads of registrar certified copies of your degree.Your Graduate Profile also contains your Graduate Photo (if you choose to upload one).

A4 FORMAT. Printed on High Quality 180g white or suitably colored un-bordered diploma card or High Quality 170g bordered diploma card.
Details of the institution, degree awarded and graduate name.

Signatures are in Blue.
Finest Quality. Printed. As used my most modern College degrees. This totally conforms to common design standards.